# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Log contains parent classes to work with log data.
The Log class is subclassed from lasio LASFile class, which provide a
data structure. The methods are for petrophysical calculations and for
viewing data with the LogViewer class.
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
from scipy.optimize import nnls
from lasio import LASFile, CurveItem
[docs]class Log(LASFile):
Subclass of LASFile to provide an extension for all petrophysical
file_ref : str
str path to las file
drho_matrix : float (default 2.71)
Matrix density for conversion from density porosity to density.
kwargs : kwargs
Key Word arguements for use with lasio LASFile class.
>>> import petropy as ptr
# define path to las file
>>> p = 'path/to/well.las'
# loads specified las file
>>> log = ptr.Log(p)
def __init__(self, file_ref = None, drho_matrix = 2.71, **kwargs):
if file_ref is not None:
LASFile.__init__(self, file_ref = file_ref,
autodetect_encoding = True, **kwargs)
self.precondition(drho_matrix = drho_matrix)
self.tops = {}
[docs] def precondition(self, drho_matrix = 2.71):
Preconditions log curve by aliasing names.
Precondition is used after initializing data and standardizes
names for future calculations.
drho_matrix : float, optional
drho_matrix is for converting density porosity to bulk
densty, and is only used when bulk density is missing.
Default value for limestone matrix. If log was run on
sandstone matrix, use 2.65. If log was run on dolomite
matrix, use 2.85.
1. Curve Alias is provided by the curve_alias.xml file
file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
ALIAS_XML_PATH = os.path.join(file_dir, 'data',
if not os.path.isfile(ALIAS_XML_PATH):
raise ValueError('Could not find alias xml at: %s' % \
with open(ALIAS_XML_PATH, 'r') as f:
root = ET.fromstring(f.read())
for alias in root:
for curve in alias:
if curve.tag in self.keys():
if alias.tag not in self.keys():
curve_item = self.curves[curve.tag]
self.add_curve(alias.tag, self[curve.tag],
unit = curve_item.unit,
value = curve_item.value,
descr = curve_item.descr)
if 'RHOB_N' not in self.keys() and 'DPHI_N' in self.keys():
calculated_rho = np.empty(len(self[0]))
non_null_depths = self['DPHI_N'][non_null_depth_index]
calculated_rho[non_null_depth_index] = \
drho_matrix - (drho_matrix - 1) * non_null_depths
self.add_curve('RHOB_N', calculated_rho, unit = 'g/cc',
value = '',
descr = 'Calculated bulk density from density \
porosity assuming rho matrix = %.2f' % \
[docs] def tops_from_csv(self, csv_path = None):
Reads tops from a csv file and saves as dictionary.
Here is a sample csv file with default tops_ data.
.. _tops: ../_static/tops.csv
csv_path : str (default None)
Path to csv file to read. Must contain header row the the
following properties:
uwi : str
Unique Well Identifier
form : str
Name of formation top
depth : float
depth of corresponding formation top
Format for csv:
>>> import petropy as ptr
# define path to las file
p = 'path/to/well.las'
# loads specified las file
>>> log = ptr.Log(p)
# define path to csv tops file
>>> t = 'path/to/tops.csv'
# loads specified tops csv
>>> log.tops_from_csv(t)
if csv_path is None:
local_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
csv_path = os.path.join(local_path, 'data', 'tops.csv')
top_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path, dtype = {'uwi': str,'form': str,
'depth': float})
well_tops_df =top_df[top_df.uwi == str(self.well['UWI'].value)]
for r, row in well_tops_df.iterrows():
self.tops[row.form] = row.depth
[docs] def fluid_properties_parameters_from_csv(self, csv_path = None):
Reads parameters from a csv for input into fluid properties.
This method reads the file located at the csv_path and turns the
values into dictionaries to be used as inputs into the
fluid_properties method.
This reference_ is a sample csv file with default data for
fluid properties.
.. _reference: ../_static/fluid_properties_parameters.csv
csv_path : str (default None)
Path to csv file to read. Must contain header row with the
following properties
mast : float (default 67)
The mean annual surface temperature at the location of
the well in degrees Fahrenheit.
temp_grad : float (default 0.015)
The temperature gradient of the reservoir in °F / ft.
press_grad : float (default 0.5)
The pressure gradient of the reservoir in psi / ft.
rws : float (default 0.1)
The resistivity of water at surface conditions in ohm.m
rwt : float (default 70)
The temperature of the rws measurement in °F.
rmfs : float (default 0.4)
The resistivity of mud fultrate at surface conditions
in ohm.m
rmft : float (default 100)
The temperature of the rmfs measurement in °F.
gas_grav : float (default 0.67)
The specific gravity of the separator gas. Air = 1,
CH4 = 0.577
oil_api : float (default 38)
The api gravity of oil after the separator. If fluid
system is dry gas, use :code:`oil_api = 0`.
p_sep : float (default 100)
The pressure of the separator, assuming a 2 stage
system. Only used when :code:`oil_api` is > 0
(not dry gas).
t_sep : float
The temperature of the separator , assuming a 2 stage
system. Only used with :code:`oil_api > 0`.
yn2 : float (default 0)
Molar fraction of nitrogren in gas.
yco2 : float (default 0)
Molar fration of carbon dioxide in gas.
yh2s : float (default 0)
Molar fraction of hydrogen sulfide in gas.
yh20 : float (default 0)
Molar fraction of water in gas.
rs : float (default 0)
Solution gas oil ratio at reservoir conditions.
If unknwon, use 0 and correlation will be calculated.
lith_grad : float (default 1.03)
Lithostatic gradient in psi / ft.
biot : float (default 0.8)
Biot constant.
pr : float (default 0.25)
Poissons ratio
>>> import petropy as ptr
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# loads sample parameters provided
>>> log.fluid_properties_parameters_from_csv()
>>> import petropy as ptr
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# define path to csv file with parameters
>>> my_csv_paramters = 'path/to/csv/file.csv'
# loads specified parameters
>>> log.fluid_properties_parameters_from_csv(my_csv_paramters)
See Also
Calculates fluid properties using input settings loaded
through this method
if csv_path is None:
local_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
csv_path = os.path.join(local_path, 'data',
param_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
param_df = param_df.set_index('name')
self.fluid_properties_parameters = \
param_df.to_dict(orient = 'index')
[docs] def fluid_properties(self, top = 0, bottom = 100000, mast = 67,
temp_grad = 0.015, press_grad = 0.5, rws = 0.1, rwt = 70,
rmfs = 0.4, rmft = 100, gas_grav = 0.67, oil_api = 38, p_sep = 100,
t_sep = 100, yn2 = 0, yco2 = 0, yh2s = 0, yh20 = 0, rs = 0,
lith_grad = 1.03, biot = 0.8, pr = 0.25):
Calculates fluid properties along wellbore.
The output add the following calculated curves at each depth:
PORE_PRESS : (psi)
Reservoir pore pressure
Reservoir temperature
NES : (psi)
Reservoir net effective stress
RW : (ohm.m)
Resistivity of water
RMF : (ohm.m)
Resistivity of mud filtrate
RHO_HC : (g / cc)
Density of hydrocarbon
RHO_W : (g / cc)
Density of formation water
RHO_MF : (g / cc)
Density of mud filtrate
Neutron log response of hydrocarbon
Neutron log response of water
Neutron log response of mud filtrate
MU_HC : (cP)
Viscosity of hydrocarbon
Compressiblity factor for non-ideal gas.
Only output if oil_api = 0
CG : (1 / psi)
Gas Compressiblity. Only output if oil_api = 0
Gas formation volume factor. Only output if oil_api = 0
BP : (psi)
Bubble point. Only output if oil_api > 0
Oil formation volume factor. Only output if oil_api > 0
top : float (default 0)
The top depth to begin fluid properties calculation. If
value is not specified, the calculations will start at
the top of the log.
bottom : float (default 100,000)
The bottom depth to end fluid properties, inclusive. If the
value is not specified, the calcuations will go to the
end of the log.
mast : float (default 67)
The mean annual surface temperature at the location of the
well in degrees Fahrenheit.
temp_grad : float (default 0.015)
The temperature gradient of the reservoir in °F / ft.
press_grad : float (default 0.5)
The pressure gradient of the reservoir in psi / ft.
rws : float (default 0.1)
The resistivity of water at surface conditions in ohm.m.
rwt : float (default 70)
The temperature of the rws measurement in °F.
rmfs : float (default 0.4)
The resistivity of mud fultrate at surface conditions in
rmft : float (default 100)
The temperature of the rmfs measurement in °F
gas_grav : float (default 0.67)
The specific gravity of the separator gas. Air = 1,
CH4 = 0.577
oil_api : float (default 38)
The api gravity of oil after the separator
If fluid system is dry gas, use oil_api = 0.
p_sep : float (default 100)
The pressure of the separator, assuming a 2 stage system
Only used when oil_api is > 0 (not dry gas).
t_sep : float
The temperature of the separator, assuming a 2 stage system
Only used with :code:`oil_api > 0`.
yn2 : float (default 0)
Molar fraction of nitrogren in gas.
yco2 : float (default 0)
Molar fration of carbon dioxide in gas.
yh2s : float (default 0)
Molar fraction of hydrogen sulfide in gas.
yh20 : float (default 0)
Molar fraction of water in gas.
rs : float (default 0)
Solution gas oil ratio at reservoir conditions.
If unknwon, use 0 and correlation will be used.
lith_grad : float (default 1.03)
Lithostatic overburden pressure gradient in psi / ft.
biot : float (default 0.8)
Biot constant.
pr : float (default 0.25)
Poissons ratio
Current single phase fluid properties assumes either:
1. Dry Gas at Reservoir Conditions
Methane as hydrocarbon type with options to include N2,
CO2, H2S, or H2O. To assume dry_gas, set
:code:`oil_api = 0`
2. Oil at Reservoir Conditions
Assumes reservoir fluids are either a black or volatile
oil. Separator conditions of gas are used to calculate
bubble point and the reservoir fluid properties of the
reconstituted oil.
Ahmed, Tarek H. Reservoir Engineering Handbook. Oxford: Gulf
Professional, 2006.
Lee, John, and Robert A. Wattenbarger. Gas Reservoir
Engineering. Richardson, TX: Henry L. Doherty Memorial
Fund of AIME, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2008.
>>> import petropy as ptr
>>> from petropy import datasets
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# calculates fluid properties with default settings
>>> log.fluid_properties()
See Also
loads properties from preconfigured csv file
builds on fluid properties to calculate full petrophysical
### fluid property calculations ###
depth_index = np.intersect1d(np.where(self[0] >= top)[0],
np.where(self[0] < bottom)[0])
depths = self[0][depth_index]
form_temp = mast + temp_grad * depths
pore_press = press_grad * depths
### water properties ###
rw = (rwt + 6.77) / (form_temp + 6.77) * rws
rmf = (rmft + 6.77) / (form_temp + 6.77) * rmfs
rw68 = (rwt + 6.77) / (68 + 6.77) * rws
rmf68 = (rmft + 6.77) / (68 + 6.77) * rws
### weight percent total disolved solids ###
xsaltw = 10 ** (-0.5268 * (np.log10(rw68) ) ** 3 - 1.0199 * \
(np.log10(rw68)) ** 2 - 1.6693 * (np.log10(rw68)) - 0.3087)
xsaltmf = 10 ** (-0.5268 * (np.log10(rmf68) ) ** 3 - 1.0199 * \
(np.log10(rmf68)) ** 2 - 1.6693 * (np.log10(rmf68)) - 0.3087)
### bw for reservoir water. ###
### Eq 1.83 - 1.85 Gas Reservoir Engineering ###
dvwt = -1.0001 * 10 ** -2 + 1.33391 * 10 ** -4 * form_temp + \
5.50654 * 10 ** -7 * form_temp ** 2
dvwp = -1.95301 * 10 ** -9 * pore_press * form_temp - \
1.72834 * 10 ** -13 * pore_press ** 2 * form_temp - \
3.58922 * 10 ** -7 * pore_press - \
2.25341 * 10 ** -10 * pore_press ** 2
bw = (1 + dvwt) * (1 + dvwp)
### calculate solution gas in water ratio ###
### Eq. 1.86 - 1.91 Gas Reservoir Engineering ###
rsa = 8.15839 - 6.12265 * 10 ** -2 * form_temp + \
1.91663 * 10 ** -4 * form_temp ** 2 - \
2.1654 * 10 ** -7 * form_temp ** 3
rsb = 1.01021 * 10 ** -2 - 7.44241 * 10 ** -5 * form_temp + \
3.05553 * 10 ** -7 * form_temp ** 2 - \
2.94883 * 10 ** -10 * form_temp ** 3
rsc = -1.0 * 10 ** -7 * (9.02505 - 0.130237 * form_temp + \
8.53425 * 10 ** -4 * form_temp ** 2 - 2.34122 * 10 ** -6 * \
form_temp ** 3 + 2.37049 * 10 ** -9 * form_temp ** 4)
rswp = rsa + rsb * pore_press + rsc * pore_press ** 2
rsw = rswp * 10**(-0.0840655 * xsaltw * form_temp ** -0.285584)
### log responses ###
rho_w = (2.7512 * 10 ** -5 * xsaltw + \
6.9159 * 10 ** -3 * xsaltw + 1.0005) * bw
rho_mf = (2.7512 * 10 ** -5 * xsaltmf + \
6.9159 * 10 ** -3 * xsaltmf + 1.0005) * bw
nphi_w = 1 + 0.4 * (xsaltw / 100)
nphi_mf = 1 + 0.4 * (xsaltmf / 100)
### net efective stress ###
nes = (((lith_grad * depths) - (biot * press_grad * depths) + \
2 * (pr / (1 - pr)) * (lith_grad * depths) - \
(biot * press_grad * depths))) / 3
### gas reservoir ###
if oil_api == 0:
# hydrocarbon garvity only
hc_grav = (gas_grav - 1.1767 * yh2s - 1.5196 * yco2 - \
0.9672 * yn2 - 0.622 * yh20) / \
(1.0 - yn2 - yco2 - yh20 - yh2s)
# pseudocritical properties of hydrocarbon
ppc_h = 756.8 - 131.0 * hc_grav - 3.6 * (hc_grav ** 2)
tpc_h = 169.2 + 349.5 * hc_grav - 74.0 * (hc_grav ** 2)
# pseudocritical properties of mixture
ppc = (1.0 - yh2s - yco2 - yn2 - yh20) * ppc_h + \
1306.0 * yh2s + 1071.0 * yco2 + \
493.1 * yn2 + 3200.1 * yh20
tpc = (1.0 - yh2s - yco2 - yn2 - yh20) * tpc_h + \
672.35 * yh2s + 547.58 * yco2 + \
227.16 * yn2 + 1164.9 * yh20
# Wichert-Aziz correction for H2S and CO2
if yco2 > 0 or yh2s > 0:
epsilon = 120 * ((yco2 + yh2s) ** 0.9 - \
(yco2 + yh2s) ** 1.6) + \
15 * (yh2s ** 0.5 - yh2s ** 4)
tpc_temp = tpc - epsilon
ppc = (ppc_a * tpc_temp) / \
(tpc + (yh2s * (1.0 - yh2s) * epsilon))
tpc = tpc_temp
# Casey correction for nitrogen and water vapor
if yn2 > 0 or yh20 > 0:
tpc_cor = -246.1 * yn2 + 400 * yh20
ppc_cor = -162.0 * yn2 + 1270.0 * yh20
tpc = (tpc - 227.2 * yn2 - 1165.0 * yh20) / \
(1.0 - yn2 - yh20) + tpc_cor
ppc = (ppc - 493.1 * yn2 - 3200.0 * yH20) / \
(1.0 - yn2 - yh20) + ppc_cor
# Reduced pseudocritical properties
tpr = (form_temp + 459.67) / tpc
ppr = pore_press / ppc
### z factor from Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem fit of ###
### Standing and Katz chart ###
a = [0.3265,
t2 = a[0] * tpr + a[1] + a[2] / (tpr ** 2) + \
a[3] / (tpr ** 3) + a[4] / (tpr ** 4)
t3 = a[5] * tpr + a[6] + a[7] / tpr
t4 = -a[8] * (a[6] + a[7] / tpr)
t5 = a[9] / (tpr ** 2)
r = 0.27 * ppr / tpr
z = 0.27 * ppr / tpr / r
counter = 0
diff = 1
while counter <= 10 and diff > 10 ** -5:
counter += 1
f = r * (tpr + t2 * r + t3 * r ** 2 + t4 * r ** 5 + \
t5 * r ** 2 * (1 + a[10] * r**2) * \
np.exp(-a[10] * r **2)) - 0.27 * ppr
fp = tpr + 2 * t2 * r + 3 * t3 * r ** 2 + \
6 * t4 * r ** 5 + t5 * r ** 2 * \
np.exp(-a[10] * r ** 2) * \
(3 + a[10] * r ** 2 * (3 - 2 * a[10] * r ** 2))
r = r - f/fp
diff = np.abs(z - (0.27 * ppr / tpr / r)).max()
z = 0.27 * ppr / tpr / r
### gas compressiblity from Dranchuk and Abau-Kassem ###
cpr = tpr * z / ppr / fp
cg = cpr / ppc
### gas expansion factor ###
bg = (0.0282793 * z * (form_temp + 459.67)) / pore_press
### gas density Eq 1.64 GRE ###
rho_hc = 1.495 * 10 ** -3 * (pore_press * (gas_grav)) / \
(z * (form_temp + 459.67))
nphi_hc = 2.17 * rho_hc
### gas viscosity Lee Gonzalez Eakin method ###
### Eqs. 1.63-1.67 GRE ###
k = ((9.379 + 0.01607 * (28.9625 * gas_grav)) * \
(form_temp + 459.67) ** 1.5) / \
(209.2 + 19.26 * (28.9625 * gas_grav) + \
(form_temp + 459.67))
x = 3.448 + 986.4 / \
(form_temp + 459.67) + 0.01009 * (28.9625 * gas_grav)
y = 2.447 - 0.2224 * x
mu_hc = 10 **-4 * k * np.exp(x * rho_hc ** y)
### oil reservoir ###
# Normalize gas gravity to separator pressure of 100 psi
ygs100 = gas_grav * (1 + 5.912 * 0.00001 * oil_api * \
(t_sep - 459.67) * np.log10(p_sep / 114.7))
if oil_api < 30:
if rs == 0 or rs is None:
rs = 0.0362 * ygs100 * pore_press ** 1.0937 * \
np.exp((25.724 * oil_api) / (form_temp + 459.67))
bp = ((56.18 * rs / ygs100) * 10 ** \
(-10.393 * oil_api / (form_temp + 459.67))) ** 0.84246
### gas saturated bubble-point ###
bo = 1 + 4.677 * 10 ** -4 * rs + 1.751 * 10 ** -5 * \
(form_temp - 60) * (oil_api / ygs100) - \
1.811 * 10 ** -8 * rs * \
(form_temp - 60) * (oil_api / ygs100)
if rs == 0 or rs is None:
rs = 0.0178 * ygs100 * pore_press ** 1.187 * \
np.exp((23.931 * oil_api) / (form_temp + 459.67))
bp = ((56.18 * rs / ygs100) * 10 ** \
(-10.393 * oil_api / (form_temp + 459.67))) ** 0.84246
### gas saturated bubble-point ###
bo = 1 + 4.670 * 10 ** -4 * rs + 1.1 * \
10 ** -5 * (form_temp - 60) * (oil_api / ygs100) + \
1.337 * 10 ** -9 * rs * (form_temp - 60) * \
(oil_api / ygs100)
### calculate bo for undersaturated oil ###
pp_gt_bp = np.where(pore_press > bp + 100)[0]
if len(pp_gt_bp) > 0:
bo[pp_gt_bp] = bo[pp_gt_bp] * np.exp(-(0.00001 * \
(-1433 + 5 * rs + 17.2 * form_temp[pp_gt_bp] - \
1180 * ygs100 + 12.61 * oil_api)) * \
np.log(pore_press[pp_gt_bp] / bp[pp_gt_bp]))
### oil properties ###
rho_hc = (((141.5 / (oil_api + 131.5) * 62.428) + \
0.0136 * rs *ygs100) / bo) / 62.428
nphi_hc = 1.003 * rho_hc
### oil viscosity from Beggs-Robinson ###
### RE Handbook Eqs. 2.121 ###
muod = 10 ** (np.exp(6.9824 - 0.04658 * oil_api) *\
form_temp ** -1.163) - 1
mu_hc = (10.715 * (rs + 100) ** -0.515) * \
muod ** (5.44 * (rs + 150) ** -0.338)
### undersaturated oil viscosity from Vasquez and Beggs ###
### Eqs. 2.123 ###
if len(pp_gt_bp) > 0:
mu_hc[pp_gt_bp] = mu_hc[pp_gt_bp] * \
(pore_press[pp_gt_bp] / bp[pp_gt_bp]) ** \
(2.6 * pore_press[pp_gt_bp] ** 1.187 * \
10 ** (-0.000039 * pore_press[pp_gt_bp] - 5))
output_curves = [
{'mnemoic': 'PORE_PRESS', 'data': pore_press, 'unit':'psi',
'descr': 'Calculated Pore Pressure'},
{'mnemoic': 'RES_TEMP', 'data': form_temp, 'unit': 'F',
'descr': 'Calculated Reservoir Temperature'},
{'mnemoic': 'NES', 'data': nes, 'unit': 'psi',
'descr': 'Calculated Net Effective Stress'},
{'mnemoic': 'RW', 'data': rw, 'unit': 'ohmm',
'descr': 'Calculated Resistivity Water'},
{'mnemoic': 'RMF', 'data': rmf, 'unit': 'ohmm',
'descr': 'Calculated Resistivity Mud Filtrate'},
{'mnemoic': 'RHO_HC', 'data': rho_hc, 'unit': 'g/cc',
'descr': 'Calculated Density of Hydrocarbon'},
{'mnemoic': 'RHO_W', 'data': rho_w, 'unit': 'g/cc',
'descr': 'Calculated Density of Water'},
{'mnemoic': 'RHO_MF', 'data': rho_mf, 'unit': 'g/cc',
'descr': 'Calculated Density of Mud Filtrate'},
{'mnemoic': 'NPHI_HC', 'data': nphi_hc, 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Calculated Neutron Log Response of Hydrocarbon'},
{'mnemoic': 'NPHI_W', 'data': nphi_w, 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Calculated Neutron Log Response of Water'},
{'mnemoic': 'NPHI_MF', 'data': nphi_mf, 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr':'Calculated Neutron Log Response of Mud Filtrate'},
{'mnemoic': 'MU_HC', 'data': mu_hc, 'unit': 'cP',
'descr': 'Calculated Viscosity of Hydrocarbon'}
for curve in output_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] in self.keys():
self[curve['mnemoic']][depth_index] = curve['data']
data = np.empty(len(self[0]))
data[:] = np.nan
data[depth_index] = curve['data']
curve['data'] = data
self.add_curve(curve['mnemoic'], data = curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'], descr = curve['descr'])
### gas curves ###
if oil_api == 0:
gas_curves = [
{'mnemoic': 'Z', 'data': z, 'unit': '',
'descr': 'Calcualted Real Gas Z Factor'},
{'mnemoic': 'CG', 'data': cg, 'unit': '1 / psi',
'descr': 'Calculated Gas Compressibility'},
{'mnemoic': 'BG', 'data': bg, 'unit': '',
'descr': 'Calculated Gas Formation Volume Factor'}
for curve in gas_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] in self.keys():
self[curve['mnemoic']][depth_index] = curve['data']
data = np.empty(len(self[0]))
data[:] = np.nan
data[depth_index] = curve['data']
curve['data'] = data
data = curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
### oil curves ###
oil_curves = [
{'mnemoic': 'BO', 'data': bo, 'unit': '',
'descr': 'Calculated Oil Formation Volume Factor'},
{'mnemoic': 'BP', 'data': bp, 'unit': 'psi',
'descr': 'Calcualted Bubble Point'}
for curve in oil_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] in self.keys():
self[curve['mnemoic']][depth_index] = curve['data']
data = np.empty(len(self[0]))
data[:] = np.nan
data[depth_index] = curve['data']
curve['data'] = data
data = curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
[docs] def multimineral_parameters_from_csv(self, csv_path = None):
Reads parameters from a csv for input into the multimineral
This method reads the file located at the csv_path and turns
the values into dictionaries to be used as inputs into the
multimineral method.
This link_ contains a sample csv file with default
multimineral properties data.
.. _link: ../_static/multimineral_parameters.csv
csv_path : str (default None)
Path to csv file to read.
CSV file must contain header row with the following properties
for the multimineral_model
gr_matrix : float (default 10)
Gamma Ray response of clean (non-clay) matrix
nphi_matrix : float (default 0)
Neutron response of clean (non-clay) matrix
gr_clay : float (default 450)
Gamma Ray response of pure clay matrix
rho_clay : float (default 2.64)
Density of pure clay matrix
nphi_clay : float (default 0.65)
Neutron reponse of pure clay matrix
pe_clay : float (default 4)
Photoelectric response of pure clay matrix
rma : float (default 180)
Resistivity of clean tight matrix
rt_clay : float (default 80)
Resistivity for inorganic shale matrix
vclay_linear_weight : float (default 1)
Weight of liner clay volume
vclay_clavier_weight : float (defaul 0.5)
Weight of Clavier clay volume
vclay_larionov_weight : float (defaul 0.5)
Weight of Larionov clay volume
vclay_nphi_weight : float (default 1)
Weight of Neutron clay volume
vclay_nphi_rhob_weight : float (default 1)
Weight of Neutron Density clay volume
vclay_cutoff : float (default 0.05)
Cutoff for oranics calculation.
If vclay < vclay_cutoff then toc = 0
rho_om : float (default 1.15)
Density of organic matter
nphi_om : float (default 0.6)
Neutron response of pure organic matter
pe_om : float (default 0.2)
Photoelectric response of pure organic matter
ro : float (default 1.6)
Vitronite reflectance of organic matter
lang_press : float (default 670)
Langmiur pressure for gas adsorption on organics in psi
passey_nphi_weight : float (default 1)
Weight for Passey nphi toc
passey_rhob_weight : float (default 1)
Weight for Passey rhob toc
passey_lom : float (default 10)
Passey level of organic maturity
passey_baseline_res : float (default 40)
Passey inorganic baseline resistivity
passey_baseline_rhob : float (default 2.65)
Passey inorganic baseline density
passey_baseline_nphi : float (default 0)
Passey inorganic baseline neutron
schmoker_weight : float (default 1)
Weight for Schmoker toc
schmoker_slope : float (default 0.7257)
Slope for schmoker density to toc correlation
schmoker_baseline_rhob : float (default 2.6)
Density cutoff for schmoker toc correlation
rho_pyr : float (default 5)
Density of pyrite
nphi_pyr : float (default 0.13)
Neutron response of pure pyrite
pe_pyr : float (default 13)
Photoelectric response of pure pyrite
om_pyrite_slope : float (default 0.2)
Slope correlating pyrite volume to organic matter
include_qtz : str {'YES', 'NO'} (default 'YES')
Toggle to include or exclude qtz.
'YES' to include. 'NO' to exclude.
rho_qtz : float (default 2.65)
Density of quartz
nphi_qtz : float (default -0.04)
Neutron response for pure quartz
pe_qtz : float (default 1.81)
Photoelectric response for pure quartz
include_clc : str {'YES', 'NO'} (default 'YES')
Toggle to include or exclude clc.
'YES' to include. 'NO' to exclude.
rho_clc : float (default 2.71)
Density of calcite
nphi_clc : float (default 0)
Neutron response for pure calcite
pe_clc : float (default 5.08)
Photoelectric response for pure calcite
include_dol : str {'YES', 'NO'} (default 'YES')
Toggle to include or exclude dol.
'YES' to include. 'NO' to exclude.
rho_dol : float (default 2.85)
Density of dolomite
nphi_dol : float (default 0.04)
Neutron response to dolomite
pe_dol : float (default 3.14)
Photoelectric response to dolomite
include_x : str {'YES', 'NO'} (default 'NO')
Toggle to include or exclude exotic mineral, x.
'YES' to include. 'NO' to exclude.
name_x : str (default 'Gypsum')
Name of exotic mineral, x.
name_log_x : str (default 'GYP')
Log name of exotic mineral, x
rho_x : float (default 2.35)
Density of exotic mineral, x
nphi_x : float (default 0.507)
Neutron response of exotic mineral, x
pe_x : float (default 4.04)
Photoelectric respone of exotic mineral, x
pe_fl : float (default 0)
Photoelectric response of reservoir fluid.
m : float (default 2)
Cementation exponent
n : float (default 2)
Saturation exponent
a : float (default 1)
Cementation constant
cec : float (default -1)
Cation Exchange Capaticy for use in Waxman Smits Sw
equation. If cec = -1, correlation equation is used to
calculate cec.
archie_weight : float (default 0)
Weight for archie Sw
indonesia_weight : float (default 1)
Weight for Indonesia Sw
simandoux_weight : float (default 0)
Weight for Simandoux Sw
modified_simandoux_weight : float (default 0)
Weight for Modified Simandoux Sw
waxman_smits_weight : float (default 0)
Weight for Waxman Smits Sw
buckles_parameter : float (default -1)
Buckles parameter for calculating irreducible water
saturation. If less than 0, it is calculated using a
>>> import petropy as ptr
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# loads base parameters
>>> log.multimineral_parameters_from_csv()
>>> import petropy as ptr
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# define path to csv file
>>> my_csv_paramters = 'path/to/csv/file.csv'
# loads specified parameters
>>> log.multimineral_parameters_from_csv(my_csv_paramters)
See Also
Calculates fluid properties using input settings loaded
through this method
if csv_path is None:
local_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
csv_path = os.path.join(local_path, 'data',
param_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
param_df = param_df.set_index('name')
self.multimineral_parameters=param_df.to_dict(orient = 'index')
[docs] def multimineral_model(self, top = None, bottom = None,
gr_matrix = 10, nphi_matrix = 0, gr_clay = 350, rho_clay = 2.64,
nphi_clay = 0.65, pe_clay = 4, rma = 180, rt_clay = 80,
vclay_linear_weight = 1, vclay_clavier_weight = 0.5,
vclay_larionov_weight = 0.5, vclay_nphi_weight = 1,
vclay_nphi_rhob_weight = 1, vclay_cutoff = 0.1, rho_om = 1.15,
nphi_om = 0.6, pe_om = 0.2, ro = 1.6, lang_press = 670,
passey_nphi_weight = 1, passey_rhob_weight = 1, passey_lom = 10,
passey_baseline_res = 40, passey_baseline_rhob = 2.65,
passey_baseline_nphi = 0, schmoker_weight = 1,
schmoker_slope = 0.7257, schmoker_baseline_rhob = 2.6,
rho_pyr = 5, nphi_pyr = 0.13, pe_pyr = 13, om_pyrite_slope = 0.2,
include_qtz = 'YES', rho_qtz = 2.65, nphi_qtz = -0.04,
pe_qtz = 1.81, include_clc = 'YES', rho_clc = 1.71, nphi_clc = 0,
pe_clc = 5.08, include_dol = 'YES', rho_dol = 2.85,
nphi_dol = 0.04, pe_dol = 3.14, include_x = 'NO',
name_x = 'Gypsum', name_log_x = 'GYP', rho_x = 2.35,
nphi_x = 0.507, pe_x = 4.04, pe_fl = 0, m = 2, n = 2, a = 1,
archie_weight = 0, indonesia_weight = 1, simandoux_weight = 0,
modified_simandoux_weight = 0, waxman_smits_weight = 0, cec = -1,
buckles_parameter = -1):
Calculates a petrophysical lithology and porosity model for
conventional and unconventional reservoirs. For each depth, the
method iterates in a 4 step loop until convergence.
**1. Calculate Clay Volume**
Clay volume is calculated using a weighted method. Five
different equations are available
I. Linear
.. math::
gr\_index &= \\frac{GR_LOG - gr\_matrix}
{gr\_clay - gr_matrix}
VCLAY &= gr\_index
II. Clavier
.. math::
VCLAY = 1.7 - \sqrt{3.38 - (gr\_index + 0.7)^2}
III. Larionov Tertiary Rocks
.. math::
VCLAY = 0.083 * (2^{3.7 * gr\_index} - 1)
IV. Neutron
Calculate apparent nuetron log without organic matter, nphia.
.. math::
nphia = NPHI\_LOG + (nphi\_matrix - nphi\_om) * vom
Calculate vclay using neutron
.. math::
VCLAY = \\frac{nphia - nphi\_matrix}
{nphi\_clay - nphi\_matrix}
V. Neutron Density
Calculate apprent density log without organic mater, rhoba.
.. math::
rhoba = RHOB\_LOG + (rhom - rho\_om) * vom
Calculate vclay using neutron density
.. math::
m1 &= \\frac{nphi\_fl - nphi\_matrix}{rho\_fl - rhom} \\\\
x1 &= nphi + m1 * (rhom - rhoba) \\\\
x2 &= nphi\_clay + m1 * (rhom - rhoba) \\\\
VCLAY &= \\frac{x1 - nphi\_matrix}{x2 - nphi\_matrix} \\\\
First, the clay volume of the resepective euqations are
calculated. They are then weighted with the vclay_weight.
For example, if vclay_weight for every method is 1, then the
final vclay is the average of the four equations. To use a
single method, set :code:`vclay_method_weight = 1` and all
other :code:`vclay_weight = 0`.
**2. Calculate Total Organic Carbon And Pyrite**
TOC is calculated use a weighted method like vclay with three
available equations:
I. Schomker's Density Correlation
.. math::
TOC = schmoker\_slope*(schmoker\_baseline\_rhob-RHOB\_LOG)
II. Passey's Nuetron Delta Log R
.. math::
dlr &= 10^{\\frac{RESDEEP\_LOG}{passey\_baseline\_res}} +
4 * (NPHI\_LOG - passey\_baseline\_nphi)
TOC&=\\frac{dlr\_nphi * 10^{2.297 - 0.1688 * passey\_lom}}
III. Passey's Density Delta Log R
.. math::
dlr &= 10^{\\frac{RESDEEP\_LOG}{passey\_baseline\_res}} -
2.5 * (RHOB\_LOG - passey\_baseline\_rhob)
TOC&=\\frac{dlr\_nphi * 10^{2.297 - 0.1688 * passey\_lom}}
For conventional reservoirs without organics,
set :code:`vclay_cutoff = 1`.
**3. Calculate Minerals And Porosity**
Non-negative least squares is used to find the remaining
minerals according to the method described in Chapter 4 of
Doveton's Principles of Mathematical Petrophysics.
.. math::
V = C^{-1} L
Pure mineral log responses are required. For example, quartz
would have the input:
include_qtz = 'YES'
rho_qtz = 2.65
nphi_qtz = -0.04
pe_qtz = 1.81
An option to include exotic minerals is by specifiying the
density, neutron, and pe response of mineral 'X'. For example,
to add gypsum, use these parameters:
include_x = 'YES'
name_x = 'Gypsum'
name_log_x = 'GYP'
rho_x = 2.35
nphi_x = 0.507
pe_x = 4.04
To exclude minerals because they are not present or essentially
not present in the reservoir, set the include parameter to
'NO'. For example, to exclude dolomite:
include_dol = 'NO'
4. Calculate Saturations
Saturation is calculated using a weighted method like vclay and
toc. To use a single equation set equation_weight = 1 and all
other equation_weight = 0. For example, to use only the
Indonesia equation set parameters to:
archie_weight = 0
simandoux_weight = 0
modified_simandoux_weight = 0
indonesia_weight = 1
waxman_smits_weight = 0
Five saturation equations are available
I. Archie
.. math::
SW=\left(\\frac{a \\times RW\_LOG}
{RESDEEP\_LOG \\times phie^m}
II. Simandoux
.. math::
c &= \\frac{(1 - vclay) \\times a \\times RESDEEP\_LOG}
d &= \\frac{c \\times vclay}{2 \\times rt\_clay}
e &= \\frac{c}{RESDEEP\_LOG}
SW &= ((d^2 + e)^2 - d)^{\\frac{2}{n}}
III. Modified Simandoux
IV. Indonesia (Poupon-Leveaux)
.. math::
f &= \sqrt{\\frac{phie^m}{RESDEEP\_LOG}} \\\\
g &= \sqrt{\\frac{vclay^{2 - vclay}}{rt\_clay}} \\\\
SW &= ((f + g)^2 * RESDEEP\_LOG)^{\\frac{-1}{n}}
V. Waxman And Smits
if cec <= 0
.. math::
cec = 10^{1.9832 \\times vclay - 2.4473}
use input cec
.. math::
rw77&=RESDEEP\_LOG * \\frac{reservoir\_temperature + 6.8}
b &= 4.6 * (1 - 0.6 \\times e^{\\frac{-0.77}{rw77}})
f &= \\frac{a}{phie^m}
qv &= \\frac{cec (1 - phie) rhom}{phie}
SW &= 0.5 * \left((-b \\times qv \\times rw77) +
\sqrt{(b \\times qv \\times rw77)^2 +
\\frac{4 * f * rw}{RESDEEP\_LOG}}
**4. Update Fluid Properties**
.. math::
rho\_fl &= RHO\_W \\times Sw + RHO\_HC \\times (1 - Sw)
nphi\_fl &= NPHI\_W \\times Sw + NPHI\_HC \\times (1 - Sw)
gr_matrix : float (default 10)
Gamma Ray response of clean (non-clay) matrix
nphi_matrix : float (default 0)
Neutron response of clean (non-clay) matrix
gr_clay : float (default 450)
Gamma Ray response of pure clay matrix
rho_clay : float (default 2.64)
Density of pure clay matrix
nphi_clay : float (default 0.65)
Neutron reponse of pure clay matrix
pe_clay : float (default 4)
Photoelectric response of pure clay matrix
rma : float (default 180)
Resistivity of clean tight matrix
rt_clay : float (default 80)
Resistivity for inorganic shale matrix
vclay_linear_weight : float (default 1)
Weight of liner clay volume
vclay_clavier_weight : float (defaul 0.5)
Weight of Clavier clay volume
vclay_larionov_weight : float (defaul 0.5)
Weight of Larionov clay volume
vclay_nphi_weight : float (default 1)
Weight of Neutron clay volume
vclay_nphi_rhob_weight : float (default 1)
Weight of Neutron Density clay volume
vclay_cutoff : float (default 0.05)
Cutoff for oranics calculation.
If vclay < vclay_cutoff then toc = 0
rho_om : float (default 1.15)
Density of organic matter
nphi_om : float (default 0.6)
Neutron response of pure organic matter
pe_om : float (default 0.2)
Photoelectric response of pure organic matter
ro : float (default 1.6)
Vitronite reflectance of organic matter
lang_press : float (default 670)
Langmiur pressure gas adsorption on organic matter in psi
passey_nphi_weight : float (default 1)
Weight for Passey nphi toc
passey_rhob_weight : float (default 1)
Weight for Passey rhob toc
passey_lom : float (default 10)
Passey level of organic maturity
passey_baseline_res : float (default 40)
Passey inorganic baseline resistivity
passey_baseline_rhob : float (default 2.65)
Passey inorganic baseline density
passey_baseline_nphi : float (default 0)
Passey inorganic baseline neutron
schmoker_weight : float (default 1)
Weight for Schmoker toc
schmoker_slope : float (default 0.7257)
Slope for schmoker density to toc correlation
schmoker_baseline_rhob : float (default 2.6)
Density cutoff for schmoker toc correlation
rho_pyr : float (default 5)
Density of pyrite
nphi_pyr : float (default 0.13)
Neutron response of pure pyrite
pe_pyr : float (default 13)
Photoelectric response of pure pyrite
om_pyrite_slope : float (default 0.2)
Slope correlating pyrite volume to organic matter
include_qtz : str {'YES', 'NO'} (default 'YES')
Toggle to include or exclude qtz.
'YES' to include. 'NO' to exclude.
rho_qtz : float (default 2.65)
Density of quartz
nphi_qtz : float (default -0.04)
Neutron response for pure quartz
pe_qtz : float (default 1.81)
Photoelectric response for pure quartz
include_clc : str {'YES', 'NO'} (default 'YES')
Toggle to include or exclude clc.
'YES' to include. 'NO' to exclude.
rho_clc : float (default 2.71)
Density of calcite
nphi_clc : float (default 0)
Neutron response for pure calcite
pe_clc : float (default 5.08)
Photoelectric response for pure calcite
include_dol : str {'YES', 'NO'} (default 'YES')
Toggle to include or exclude dol.
'YES' to include. 'NO' to exclude.
rho_dol : float (default 2.85)
Density of dolomite
nphi_dol : float (default 0.04)
Neutron response to dolomite
pe_dol : float (default 3.14)
Photoelectric response to dolomite
include_x : str {'YES', 'NO'} (default 'NO')
Toggle to include or exclude exotic mineral, x.
'YES' to include. 'NO' to exclude.
name_x : str (default 'Gypsum')
Name of exotic mineral, x.
name_log_x : str (default 'GYP')
Log name of exotic mineral, x
rho_x : float (default 2.35)
Density of exotic mineral, x
nphi_x : float (default 0.507)
Neutron response of exotic mineral, x
pe_x : float (default 4.04)
Photoelectric respone of exotic mineral, x
pe_fl : float (default 0)
Photoelectric response of reservoir fluid.
m : float (default 2)
Cementation exponent
n : float (default 2)
Saturation exponent
a : float (default 1)
Cementation constant
cec : float (default -1)
Cation Exchange Capaticy for use in Waxman Smits equation.
If cec = -1, correlation equation is used to calculate cec.
archie_weight : float (default 0)
Weight for archie Sw
indonesia_weight : float (default 1)
Weight for Indonesia Sw
simandoux_weight : float (default 0)
Weight for Simandoux Sw
modified_simandoux_weight : float (default 0)
Weight for Modified Simandoux Sw
waxman_smits_weight : float (default 0)
Weight for Waxman Smits Sw
buckles_parameter : float (default -1)
Buckles parameter for calculating irreducible water
saturation. If less than 0, it is calculated using a
If fluid properties curve values are not present in log,
then ValueError is raised with incorrect curve requirements
If raw curves GR_N, NPHI_N, RHOB_N, and RESDEEP_N are not
present, then ValueError is raised with incorrect curve
requirements as raw curve is either not present or
precondtioning has not been properly run.
If no formation value factor is found, then ValueError is
raised to satisfy the calculation requirements.
Clavier, C., W. Hoyle, and D. Meunier, 1971a, Quantitative
interpretation of thermal neutron decay time logs: Part I.
Fundamentals and techniques: Journal of Petroleum
Technology, 23, 743–755
Clavier, C., W. Hoyle, and D. Meunier, 1971b, Quantitative
interpretation of thermal neutron decay time logs: Part II.
Interpretation example, interpretation accuracy, and
timelapse technique: Journal of Petroleum Technology,
23, 756–763.
Larionov VV (1969).Borehole Radiometry: Moscow, U.S.S.R. Nedra.
Nuetron, and Neutron Density taken from presentations.
Need publish papers for citation.
Passey, Q. R., Creaney, S., Kulla, J. B., Moretti, F. J.,
Stroud, J. D., 1990, Practical Model for Organic Richness
from Porosity and Resistivity Logs, AAPG Bulletin, 74,
Schmoker, J.W., 1979, Determination of organic content of
Appalachian Devonian shales from formation-density logs:
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin,
v.63, no.9, p.1504-1509
Doveton, John H. Principles of Mathematical Petrophysics.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Archie, G.E. 1942. The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in
Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics. Trans. of AIME
146 (1): 54-62.
Bardon, C., and Pied, B.,1969, Formation water saturation in
shaly sands: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts 10th
Annual Logging Symposium Transactions: Paper Z,19 pp.
Poupon, A. and Leveaux, J. 1971. Evaluation of Water
Saturations in Shaly Formations. The Log Analyst 12 (4)
Simandoux, P., 1963, Dielectricmeasurements on porous media
application to the measurement of water saturations: study
of the behaviour of argillaceous formations: Revue de
l'Institut Francais du Petrole 18, Supplementary Issue,
p. 193-215.
Waxman, M.H., and L.J.M. Smits, Electrical Conductivity in Oil
Bearing Shaly Sands, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Journal, June, p.107-122, 1968.
1. Clay bound water
Clay bound water is included as part of the clay volume
based on the default nphi_clay = 0.65. To calculate
clay bound water seperately, set nphi_clay to clay
matrix absent clay bound water, and include appropriate
buckles_parameter for bound water saturations.
2. Organics
No differieniation is made between kerogen and other
organic matter.
>>> import petropy as ptr
>>> from petropy import datasets
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# calculates fluid properties with default settings
>>> log.fluid_properties()
# calculates multimeral model with default settings
>>> log.multimineral_model()
See Also
uses multimineral_model accross formations
### check for requirements ###
required_raw_curves = ['GR_N', 'NPHI_N', 'RHOB_N', 'RESDEEP_N']
for curve in required_raw_curves:
if curve not in self.keys():
raise ValueError('Raw curve %s not found and is \
required for multimineral_model.' % curve)
required_curves_from_fluid_properties = ['RW', 'RHO_HC',
for curve in required_curves_from_fluid_properties:
if curve not in self.keys():
raise ValueError('Fluid Properties curve %s not found.\
Run fluid_properties before multimineral_model.' \
% curve)
all_required_curves = required_raw_curves +\
if 'BO' not in self.keys() and 'BG' not in self.keys():
raise ValueError('Formation Volume Factor required for \
multimineral_model. Run fluid_properties first.')
if 'BO' in self.keys():
hc_class = 'OIL'
hc_class = 'GAS'
if 'PE_N' in self.keys():
use_pe = True
use_pe = False
### get depths ###
if top is None:
top_index = 0
top_index = np.where(self[0] == top)[0][0]
if bottom is None:
bottom_index = len(self[0]) - 1
bottom_index = np.where(self[0] == bottom)[0][0]
### initialize minerals ###
if include_qtz.upper()[0] == 'Y':
include_qtz = True
include_qtz = False
if include_clc.upper()[0] == 'Y':
include_clc = True
include_clc = False
if include_dol.upper()[0] == 'Y':
include_dol = True
include_dol = False
if include_x.upper()[0] == 'Y':
include_x = True
name_log_x = name_log_x.upper()
include_x = False
## check for existence of calculated curves ###
### add if not found ##
nulls = np.empty(len(self[0]))
nulls[:] = np.nan
output_curves = [
{'mnemoic': 'PHIE', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Effective Porosity'},
{'mnemoic': 'SW', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Water Saturation'},
{'mnemoic': 'SHC', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Hydrocarbon Saturation'},
{'mnemoic': 'BVH', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Hydrocarbon'},
{'mnemoic': 'BVW', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Water'},
{'mnemoic': 'BVWI', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Water Irreducible'},
{'mnemoic': 'BVWF', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit':
'v/v', 'descr': 'Bulk Volume Water Free'},
{'mnemoic': 'BVOM', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Fraction Organic Matter'},
{'mnemoic': 'BVCLAY', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit':'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Fraction Clay'},
{'mnemoic': 'BVPYR', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Fraction Pyrite'},
{'mnemoic': 'VOM', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Matrix Volume Fraction Organic Matter'},
{'mnemoic': 'VCLAY', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Matrix Volume Fraction Clay'},
{'mnemoic': 'VPYR', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Matrix Volume Fraction Pyrite'},
{'mnemoic': 'RHOM', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'g/cc',
'descr': 'Matrix Density'},
{'mnemoic': 'TOC', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'wt/wt',
'descr': 'Matrix Weight Fraction Organic Matter'},
{'mnemoic': 'WTCLAY', 'data':np.copy(nulls),'unit':'wt/wt',
'descr': 'Matrix Weight Fraction Clay'},
{'mnemoic': 'WTPYR', 'data': np.copy(nulls),'unit':'wt/wt',
'descr': 'Matrix Weight Fraction Pyrite'},
for curve in output_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] not in self.keys():
self.add_curve(curve['mnemoic'], curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
qtz_curves = [
{'mnemoic': 'BVQTZ', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Fraction Quartz'},
{'mnemoic': 'VQTZ', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Matrix Volume Fraction Quartz'},
{'mnemoic': 'WTQTZ', 'data': np.copy(nulls),'unit':'wt/wt',
'descr': 'Matrix Weight Fraction Quartz'}
if include_qtz:
for curve in qtz_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] not in self.keys():
self.add_curve(curve['mnemoic'], curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
clc_curves = [
{'mnemoic': 'BVCLC', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Fraction Calcite'},
{'mnemoic': 'VCLC', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Matrix Volume Fraction Calcite'},
{'mnemoic': 'WTCLC', 'data': np.copy(nulls),'unit':'wt/wt',
'descr': 'Matrix Weight Fraction Calcite'}
if include_clc:
for curve in clc_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] not in self.keys():
self.add_curve(curve['mnemoic'], curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
dol_curves = [
{'mnemoic': 'BVDOL', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Bulk Volume Fraction Dolomite'},
{'mnemoic': 'VDOL', 'data': np.copy(nulls), 'unit': 'v/v',
'descr': 'Matrix Volume Fraction Dolomite'},
{'mnemoic': 'WTDOL', 'data': np.copy(nulls),'unit':'wt/wt',
'descr': 'Matrix Weight Fraction Dolomite'}
if include_dol:
for curve in dol_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] not in self.keys():
self.add_curve(curve['mnemoic'], curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
min_x_curves = [
{'menmoic': 'V' + name_log_x, 'data': np.copy(nulls),
'unit': 'v/v', 'descr': 'Bulk Volume Fraction ' + name_x},
{'mnemoic': 'V' + name_log_x, 'data': np.copy(nulls),
'unit': 'v/v', 'descr': 'Matrix Volume Fraction '+ name_x},
{'mnemoic': 'WT' + name_log_x, 'data': np.copy(nulls),
'unit': 'wt/wt', 'descr': 'Matrix Weight Fraction '+name_x}
if include_x:
for curve in min_x_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] not in self.keys():
self.add_curve(curve['mnemoic'], curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
oil_curve = {'mnemoic': 'OIP', 'data': np.copy(nulls),
'unit': 'Mmbbl / section', 'descr':'Oil in Place'}
if hc_class == 'OIL':
if oil_curve['mnemoic'] not in self.keys():
self.add_curve(oil_curve['mnemoic'], oil_curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
gas_curves = [
{'mnemoic': 'GIP', 'data': np.copy(nulls),
'unit': 'BCF / section', 'descr': 'Gas in Place'},
{'mnemoic': 'GIP_FREE', 'data': np.copy(nulls),
'unit': 'BCF / section', 'descr': 'Free Gas in Place'},
{'mnemoic': 'GIP_ADS', 'data': np.copy(nulls),
'unit': 'BCF / section', 'descr': 'Adsorbed Gas in Place'}
if hc_class == 'GAS':
for curve in gas_curves:
if curve['mnemoic'] not in self.keys():
self.add_curve(curve['mnemoic'], curve['data'],
unit = curve['unit'],
descr = curve['descr'])
### calculations over depths ###
depth_index = np.intersect1d(np.where(self[0] >= top)[0],
np.where(self[0] < bottom)[0])
for i in depth_index:
### check for null values in data, skip if true ###
nans = np.isnan([self[x][i] for x in all_required_curves])
infs = np.isinf([self[x][i] for x in all_required_curves])
if True in nans or True in infs: continue
if i > 0:
sample_rate = abs(self[0][i] - self[0][i - 1])
sample_rate = abs(self[0][0] - self[0][1])
### initial parameters to start iterations ###
phie = 0.1
rhom = 2.68
rho_fl = 1
nphi_fl = 1
vom = 0
bvqtz_prev = 1
bvclc_prev = 1
bvdol_prev = 1
bvx_prev = 1
phi_prev = 1
bvom_prev = 1
bvclay_prev = 1
bvpyr_prev = 1
diff = 1
counter = 0
while diff > 1 * 10 ** -3 and counter < 20:
counter += 1
### log curves without organics ###
rhoba = self['RHOB_N'][i] + (rhom - rho_om) * vom
nphia = self['NPHI_N'][i] + (nphi_matrix - nphi_om)*vom
### clay solver ###
gr_index = np.clip((self['GR_N'][i] - gr_matrix) \
/ (gr_clay - gr_matrix), 0, 1)
### linear vclay method ###
vclay_linear = gr_index
### Clavier vclay method ###
vclay_clavier = np.clip(1.7 - np.sqrt(3.38 - \
(gr_index + 0.7) ** 2), 0, 1)
### larionov vclay method ###
vclay_larionov = np.clip(0.083 * \
(2 ** (3.7 * gr_index) - 1), 0, 1)
# Neutron vclay method without organic correction
vclay_nphi = np.clip((nphia - nphi_matrix) / \
(nphi_clay - nphi_matrix), 0, 1)
# Neutron Density vclay method with organic correction
m1 = (nphi_fl - nphi_matrix) / (rho_fl - rhom)
x1 = nphia + m1 * (rhom - rhoba)
x2 = nphi_clay + m1 * (rhom - rho_clay)
if x2 - nphi_matrix != 0:
vclay_nphi_rhob = np.clip((x1 - nphi_matrix) / \
(x2 - nphi_matrix), 0, 1)
vclay_nphi_rhob = 0
vclay_weights_sum = vclay_linear_weight + \
vclay_clavier_weight + vclay_larionov_weight + \
vclay_nphi_weight + vclay_nphi_rhob_weight
vclay = (vclay_linear_weight * vclay_linear + \
vclay_clavier_weight * vclay_clavier + \
vclay_larionov_weight * vclay_larionov + \
vclay_nphi_weight * vclay_nphi + \
vclay_nphi_rhob_weight * vclay_nphi_rhob) / \
vclay = np.clip(vclay, 0, 1)
bvclay = vclay * (1 - phie)
### organics ###
if vclay > vclay_cutoff:
### Passey ###
dlr_nphi = np.log10(self['RESDEEP_N'][i] / \
passey_baseline_res) + 4 * (self['NPHI_N'][i] - \
dlr_rhob = np.log10(self['RESDEEP_N'][i] / \
passey_baseline_res) - 2.5 * (self['RHOB_N'][i] - \
toc_nphi = np.clip((dlr_nphi * 10 ** (2.297 - \
0.1688 * passey_lom) / 100), 0, 1)
toc_rhob = np.clip((dlr_rhob * 10 ** (2.297 - \
0.1688 * passey_lom) / 100), 0, 1)
### Schmoker ###
toc_sch = np.clip(schmoker_slope * \
(schmoker_baseline_rhob - self['RHOB_N'][i]), 0, 1)
toc_weights = passey_nphi_weight + \
passey_rhob_weight + schmoker_weight
### toc in weight percent ###
toc = (passey_nphi_weight * toc_nphi + \
passey_rhob_weight * toc_rhob + \
schmoker_weight * toc_sch) / toc_weights
### weight percent to volume percent ###
volume_om = toc / rho_om
# matrix density without organic matter
rhom_no_om = (rhom - toc * rho_om) / (1 - toc)
# volume of non-organics
volume_else = (1 - toc) / rhom_no_om
volume_total = volume_om + volume_else
vom = volume_om / volume_total
bvom = vom * (1 - phie)
toc = 0
vom = 0
bvom = 0
### pyrite correlation with organics ###
vpyr = np.clip(om_pyrite_slope * vom, 0, 1)
bvpyr = vpyr * (1 - phie)
### create C, V, and L matrix for equations in ###
### Chapter 4 of ####
# Principles of Mathematical Petrophysics by Doveton #
### removed effect of clay, organics, and pyrite ###
volume_unconventional = bvom + bvclay + bvpyr
rhob_clean = (self['RHOB_N'][i] - (rho_om * bvom + \
rho_clay * bvclay + rho_pyr * bvpyr)) / \
(1 - volume_unconventional)
nphi_clean = (self['NPHI_N'][i] - (nphi_om * bvom + \
nphi_clay*bvclay + nphi_pyr * bvpyr)) / \
(1 - volume_unconventional)
minerals = []
if use_pe:
pe_clean = (self['PE_N'][i] - (pe_om * bvom + \
pe_clay * bvclay + pe_pyr * bvpyr)) / \
(1 - bvom - bvclay - bvpyr)
l_clean = np.asarray([rhob_clean, nphi_clean,
pe_clean, 1])
l = np.asarray([self['RHOB_N'][i],
self['PE_N'][i], 1])
c_clean = np.asarray([0,0,0]) # initialize matrix C
if include_qtz:
mineral_matrix = np.asarray((rho_qtz, nphi_qtz,
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, mineral_matrix))
if include_clc:
mineral_matrix = np.asarray((rho_clc, nphi_clc,
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, mineral_matrix))
if include_dol:
mineral_matrix = np.asarray((rho_dol, nphi_dol,
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, mineral_matrix))
if include_x:
mineral_matrix = np.asarray((rho_x, nphi_x,
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, mineral_matrix))
fluid_matrix = np.asarray((rho_fl, nphi_fl, pe_fl))
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, fluid_matrix))
l_clean = np.asarray([rhob_clean, nphi_clean, 1])
l = np.asarray([self['RHOB_N'][i],
c_clean = np.asarray((0,0)) # initialize matrix C
if include_qtz:
mineral_matrix =np.asarray((rho_qtz, nphi_qtz))
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, mineral_matrix))
if include_clc:
mineral_matrix =np.asarray((rho_clc, nphi_clc))
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, mineral_matrix))
if include_dol:
mineral_matrix =np.asarray((rho_dol, nphi_dol))
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, mineral_matrix))
if include_x:
mineral_matrix = np.asarray((rho_x, nphi_x))
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, mineral_matrix))
fluid_matrix = np.asarray((rho_fl, nphi_fl))
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean, fluid_matrix))
c_clean = np.delete(c_clean, 0, 0)
c_clean = np.vstack((c_clean.T,
bv_clean = nnls(c_clean, l_clean.T)[0]
bvqtz = 0
bvclc = 0
bvdol = 0
bvx = 0
component_sum = np.sum(bv_clean)
for s, mineral in enumerate(minerals):
if mineral == 'QTZ':
bvqtz = (bv_clean[s] / component_sum) * \
(1 - volume_unconventional)
bv_clean[s] = bvqtz
if mineral == 'CLC':
bvclc = (bv_clean[s] / component_sum) * \
(1 - volume_unconventional)
bv_clean[s] = bvclc
if mineral == 'DOL':
bvdol = (bv_clean[s] / component_sum) * \
(1 - volume_unconventional)
bv_clean[s] = bvdol
if mineral == 'X':
bvx = (bv_clean[s] / component_sum) * \
(1 - volume_unconventional)
bv_clean[s] = bvx
if mineral == 'PHI':
phie = (bv_clean[s] / component_sum) * \
(1 - volume_unconventional)
bv_clean[s] = phie
if use_pe:
c = np.hstack((c_clean, np.asarray(
(rho_om, rho_clay, rho_pyr),
(nphi_om, nphi_clay, nphi_pyr),
(pe_om, pe_clay, pe_pyr),
(1, 1, 1)
c = np.hstack((c_clean, np.asarray(
(rho_om, rho_clay, rho_pyr),
(nphi_om, nphi_clay, nphi_pyr),
(1, 1, 1))
bv = np.append(bv_clean, (bvom, bvclay, bvpyr))
l_hat = np.dot(c, bv)
sse = np.dot((l - l_hat).T, l - l_hat)
prev = np.asarray((bvqtz_prev, bvclc_prev, bvdol_prev,
bvx_prev, phi_prev, bvom_prev,
bvclay_prev, bvpyr_prev))
cur = np.asarray((bvqtz, bvclc, bvdol, bvx, phie, bvom,
bvclay, bvpyr))
diff = np.abs(cur - prev).sum()
bvqtz_prev = bvqtz
bvclc_prev = bvclc
bvdol_prev = bvdol
bvx_prev = bvx
bvom_prev = bvom
bvclay_prev = bvclay
bvpyr_prev = bvpyr
phi_prev = phie
avg_percent_error = np.mean(np.abs(l - l_hat) / l) *100
### calculate matrix volume fraction ###
per_matrix = 1 - phie
vqtz = bvqtz / per_matrix
vclc = bvclc / per_matrix
vdol = bvdol / per_matrix
vx = bvx / per_matrix
vclay = bvclay / per_matrix
vom = bvom / per_matrix
vpyr = bvpyr / per_matrix
### calculate weight fraction ###
mass_qtz = vqtz * rho_qtz
mass_clc = vclc * rho_clc
mass_dol = vdol * rho_dol
mass_x = vx * rho_x
mass_om = vom * rho_om
mass_clay = vclay * rho_clay
mass_pyr = vpyr * rho_pyr
rhom = mass_qtz + mass_clc + mass_dol + mass_x + \
mass_om +mass_clay + mass_pyr
wtqtz = mass_qtz / rhom
wtclc = mass_clc / rhom
wtdol = mass_dol / rhom
wtx = mass_x / rhom
wtom = mass_om / rhom
wtclay = mass_clay / rhom
wtpyr = mass_pyr / rhom
toc = wtom
### saturations ###
### porosity cutoff in case phie = 0 ###
if phie < 0.001:
phis = 0.001
phis = phie
### Archie ###
sw_archie = np.clip(((a * self['RW'][i]) / \
(self['RESDEEP_N'][i] * (phis ** m))) ** (1 / n), 0, 1)
### Indonesia ###
sw_ind_a = (phie ** m / self['RW'][i]) ** 0.5
sw_ind_b = (vclay ** (2.0 - vclay) / rt_clay) ** 0.5
sw_indonesia = np.clip(((sw_ind_a + sw_ind_b) ** 2.0 *\
self['RESDEEP_N'][i]) ** (-1 / n), 0, 1)
### Simandoux ###
c = (1.0 - vclay) * a * self['RW'][i] / (phis ** m)
d = c * vclay / (2.0 * rt_clay)
e = c / self['RESDEEP_N'][i]
sw_simandoux = np.clip(((d**2 + e) ** 0.2 - d) ** \
(2 / n), 0, 1)
### modified Simandoux ###
sw_mod_simd = np.clip((0.5 * self['RW'][i] / \
phis ** m) * ((4 * phis **m) / \
(self['RW'][i] * self['RESDEEP_N'][i]) + \
(vclay / rt_clay) ** 2) ** (1 / n) - \
vclay / rt_clay, 0, 1)
### Waxman Smits ###
if cec <= 0:
cec = 10 ** (1.9832 * vclay - 2.4473)
rw77 =self['RESDEEP_N'][i]*(self['RES_TEMP'][i] + 6.8)\
/ 83.8
b = 4.6 * (1 - 0.6 * np.exp(-0.77 / rw77))
f = a / (phis ** m)
qv = cec * (1 - phis) * rhom / phis
sw_waxman_smits = np.clip(0.5 * ((-b * qv * rw77) + \
((b * qv * rw77) ** 2 + \
4 * f * self['RW'][i] / \
self['RESDEEP_N'][i]) ** 0.5) \
** (2 / n), 0, 1)
### weighted calculation with bv output ###
weight_saturations = archie_weight + indonesia_weight+\
simandoux_weight + modified_simandoux_weight + \
sw = (archie_weight * sw_archie + \
indonesia_weight * sw_indonesia + \
simandoux_weight * sw_simandoux + \
modified_simandoux_weight * sw_mod_simd + \
waxman_smits_weight * sw_waxman_smits) / \
bvw = phie * sw
bvh = phie * (1 - sw)
if hc_class == 'OIL':
oip =(7758 * 640 * sample_rate * bvh * 10 ** -6)/ \
self['BO'][i] # Mmbbl per sample rate
elif hc_class == 'GAS':
langslope = (-0.08 * self['RES_TEMP'][i] + \
2 * ro + 22.75) / 2
gas_ads = langslope * vom * 100 * \
(self['PORE_PRESS'][i] / (self['PORE_PRESS'][i] + \
gip_free=(43560* 640 * sample_rate * bvh *10** -9)\
/ self['BG'][i] # BCF per sample rate
gip_ads = (1359.7 * 640 * sample_rate * \
self['RHOB_N'][i] * gas_ads * 10 ** -9) / \
self['BG'][i] # BCF per sample rate
gip = gip_free + gip_ads
rho_fl = self['RHO_W'][i] * sw + \
self['RHO_HC'][i] * (1 - sw)
nphi_fl = self['NPHI_W'][i] * sw + \
self['NPHI_HC'][i] * (1 - sw)
### save calculations to log ###
### bulk volume ###
self['BVOM'][i] = bvom
self['BVCLAY'][i] = bvclay
self['BVPYR'][i] = bvpyr
if include_qtz:
self['BVQTZ'][i] = bvqtz
if include_clc:
self['BVCLC'][i] = bvclc
if include_dol:
self['BVDOL'][i] = bvdol
if include_x:
self['BV' + name_log_x][i] = bvx
self['BVH'][i] = bvh
self['BVW'][i] = bvw
### porosity and saturations ###
self['PHIE'][i] = phie
self['SW'][i] = sw
self['SHC'][i] = 1 - sw
### mineral volumes ###
self['VOM'][i] = vom
self['VCLAY'][i] = vclay
self['VPYR'][i] = vpyr
if include_qtz:
self['VQTZ'][i] = vqtz
if include_clc:
self['VCLC'][i] = vclc
if include_dol:
self['VDOL'][i] = vdol
if include_x:
self['V' + name_log_x] = vx
### weight percent ###
self['RHOM'][i] = rhom
self['TOC'][i] = toc
self['WTCLAY'][i] = wtclay
self['WTPYR'][i] = wtpyr
if include_qtz:
self['WTQTZ'][i] = wtqtz
if include_clc:
self['WTCLC'][i] = wtclc
if include_dol:
self['WTDOL'][i] = wtdol
if include_x:
self['WT' + name_log_x] = wtx
# find irreducible water if buckles_parameter is specified
if buckles_parameter > 0:
sw_irr = buckles_parameter / (phie / (1 - vclay))
bvwi = phie * sw_irr
bvwf = bvw - bvwi
self['BVWI'][i] = bvwi
self['BVWF'][i] = bvwf
if hc_class == 'OIL':
self['OIP'][i] = oip
elif hc_class == 'GAS':
self['GIP_FREE'][i] = gip_free
self['GIP_ADS'][i] = gip_ads
self['GIP'][i] = gip
### find irreducible water saturation outside of loop ###
### since parameters depend on calculated values ###
if buckles_parameter < 0:
buckles_parameter=np.mean(self['PHIE'][depth_index] * \
ir_denom = (self['PHIE'][depth_index] / \
(1 - self['VCLAY'][depth_index]))
ir_denom[np.where(ir_denom < 0.001)[0]] = 0.001
sw_irr = buckles_parameter / ir_denom
self['BVWI'][depth_index] = \
self['PHIE'][depth_index] * sw_irr
self['BVWF'][depth_index] = self['BVW'][depth_index] - \
[docs] def add_pay_flag(self, formations = [], flag = 1,
less_than_or_equal = [],
greater_than_or_equal = [],
name = '', descr = 'Pay Flag'):
Add Pay Flag based on curve cutoffs
formations : list (default [])
list of formations, which must be found in preloaded tops
flag : float
Numeric value of pay flag. If interval meets pay
requirments, then flag value. Else, 0.
less_than_or_equal : list (tuples (CURVE, value),default [])
pay flag cutoff where interval is flaged if CURVE is less
than or equal to value. Must be list of tuples
greater_than_or_equal : list (tuples (CURVE,value), default [])
pay flag cutoff where interval is flaged if CURVE is
greater than or equal to value. Must be list of tuples
name : str (default '')
End name of pay flag. Defaults to numeric
:code:`PAY_FLAG_1` and increasing values as more pays flags
are added.
>>> import petropy as ptr
# loads Wolfcamp and adds pay flag
# based on resistivity
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# specify play flag if RESDEEP_N is
# greather than or equal to 20
>>> gtoe = [('RESDEEP_N', 20)]
# define formations to calculate pay flag
>>> f = ['WFMPA', 'WFMPB', 'WFMPC']
# add pay flag over formations
>>> log.add_pay_flag(f, greater_than_or_equal=gtoe,name ='RES')
if len(name) < 1:
c = 1
for curve in self.keys():
if 'PAY_FLAG' in curve:
c += 1
name = 'PAY_FLAG_' + str(c)
name = 'PAY_FLAG_' + name
if name not in self.keys():
nulls = np.empty(len(self[0]))
nulls[:] = np.nan
self.add_curve(name, nulls, descr = descr)
for form in formations:
top = self.tops[form]
bottom = self.next_formation_depth(form)
cutoffs = np.where(self[0] >= top)[0]
cutoffs = np.intersect1d(cutoffs,
np.where(self[0] <= bottom)[0])
for curve, value in less_than_or_equal:
cutoffs = np.intersect1d(cutoffs,
np.where(self[curve] <= value)[0])
for curve, value in greater_than_or_equal:
cutoffs = np.intersect1d(cutoffs,
np.where(self[curve] >= value)[0])
self[name][cutoffs] = flag
[docs] def summations(self, formations, curves = ['PHIE']):
Cumulative summations over formations for given curves.
formations : list
list of formations, which must be found in preloaded tops
curves : list (default ['PHIE'])
list of curves to calculated cumulative summations.
Values in list must curves be present in log.
>>> import petropy as ptr
# Sum Oil in Place for Wolfcamp A
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# define formations
>>> f = ['WFMPA', 'WFMPB', 'WFMPC']
# calculate fluid properties for formations
>>> log.formation_fluid_properties(formations = f)
# calculate minerals and saturations for formations
>>> log.formation_multimineral_model(formation = f)
# run summations for Oil in Place over formations
>>> log.summations(formations = f, curves = ['OIP'])
See Also
Calculates statistics over given formations and curves
hc_columns = ['OIP', 'GIP', 'GIP_ADS', 'GIP_FREE']
sample_rate = np.abs(np.append(
np.asarray([self[0][0] - self[0][1]]),
for c in curves:
if c + '_SUM' not in self.keys():
nulls = np.empty(len(self[0]))
nulls[:] = np.nan
curve = self.get_curve(c)
self.add_curve(c + '_SUM',nulls,unit=curve.unit +' ft',
descr = curve.descr + ' Summation')
for f in formations:
top = self.tops[f]
bottom = self.next_formation_depth(f)
depth_index = np.intersect1d(np.where(self[0] >= top)[0],
np.where(self[0] < bottom)[0])
for c in curves:
### include sample rate in summation for ###
### non hydrocarbon columns ###
if c in hc_columns:
series = self[c][depth_index]
series = self[c][depth_index] * \
self[ c + '_SUM'][depth_index] = \
[docs] def statistics(self, formations, curves = ['PHIE']):
Curve statistcs for given formations and curves
formations : list (default [])
list of formations to calculate statistics over. Must be
included in preloaded tops
curves : list (default ['PHIE'])
list of curve to calculate statistics for. Must be
included in Log object.
df : DataFrame
Returns Mean, Sum, and Standard Deviation for each curve
over every formation
>>> import petropy as ptr
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# define formations to calculate statistics
>>> f = ['WFMPA', 'WFMPB', 'WFMPC']
# define curves to calculate statistics
>>> c = ['GR_N', 'RHOB_N', NPHI_N']
# calculate statistics
>>> stats_df = log.statistics(formations = f, curves = c)
>>> print(stats_df)
0 WFMPA 2017-09-26 16:04:47.543687 300.5 92.597982
1 WFMPB 2017-09-26 16:04:47.543687 396.5 89.953657
2 WFMPC 2017-09-26 16:04:47.543687 337.5 75.326230
1 27825.6935 2.503339 0.048434 752.2535
2 35666.6250 2.526271 0.051070 1001.6665
3 25422.6025 2.539730 0.069945 857.1590
1 0.208496 0.055684 62.653 42303347740000
2 0.219536 0.044894 87.046 42303347740000
3 0.198791 0.066487 67.092 42303347740000
See Also
saves statistics to csv file with option to append or
overwrite formation values
calculate summation curves over a given formation
hc_columns = ['OIP', 'GIP', 'GIP_ADS', 'GIP_FREE']
sample_rate = np.abs(np.append(
np.asarray([self[0][0] - self[0][1]]),
pay_flags = []
for curve in self.keys():
if 'PAY_FLAG' in curve:
stats_data = {}
for f in formations:
top = self.tops[f]
bottom = self.next_formation_depth(f)
formation_data = {'DATETIME': dt.datetime.now(),
'GROSS_H': bottom - top}
depth_index = np.intersect1d(np.where(self[0] >= top)[0],
np.where(self[0] < bottom)[0])
for curve in curves:
if curve not in self.keys():
raise ValueError('Curve %s not in log curves.' \
% curve)
series = self[curve][depth_index]
formation_data[curve + '_MEAN'] = series.mean()
formation_data[curve + '_STD'] = series.std()
if curve in hc_columns:
series_sum = series.sum()
### multiply by step rate for summations ###
series_sum = \
(series * sample_rate[depth_index]).sum()
formation_data[curve + '_SUM'] = series_sum
for p in pay_flags:
pay_depth_index = np.intersect1d(depth_index,
np.where(self[p] > 0)[0])
pay_series = self[curve][pay_depth_index]
formation_data[curve + '_' + p + '_MEAN'] = \
formation_data[curve + '_' + p + '_STD'] = \
if curve in hc_columns:
pay_series_sum = pay_series.sum()
### multiply by step rate for summations ###
pay_series_sum = (pay_series * \
formation_data[curve + '_' + p + '_SUM'] = \
stats_data[f] = formation_data
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(stats_data, orient = 'index')
df.index.name = 'FORMATION'
df['UWI'] = self.well['UWI'].value
df.reset_index(inplace = True)
return df
[docs] def statistics_to_csv(self, file_path, replace = False,
formations = [], curves = ['PHIE']):
Saves curve statistcs for given formations and curves to a csv
file_path : str
path to csv file
replace : boolean (default False)
option to replace uwi, formation statistics if already in
csv file
formations : list (default [])
list of formations to calculate statistics over. Must be
included in preloaded tops
curves : list (default ['PHIE'])
list of curve to calculate statistics.
>>> import petropy as ptr
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# define formations to calculate
# define formations to calculate statistics
>>> f = ['WFMPA', 'WFMPB', 'WFMPC']
# define curves to calculate statistics
>>> c = ['GR_N', 'RHOB_N', NPHI_N']
# define path to csv
>>> p = 'path/to/my/file.csv'
# calculate and save statistcs to csv
>>> log.statistics_to_csv(p, formations = f, curves = c)
See Also
calculates statistics and returns a dataframe
calculate summation curves over a given formation
new_df = self.statistics(formations = formations,
curves = curves)
prev_df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
prev_df['UWI'] = prev_df['UWI'].apply(str)
prev_df = pd.DataFrame([])
if replace and len(prev_df) > 0:
for i, row in new_df.iterrows():
drop_indexes = prev_df[(prev_df.UWI == row.UWI) & \
(prev_df.FORMATION == row.FORMATION)].index
prev_df.drop(drop_indexes, inplace = True)
new_df = prev_df.append(new_df)
new_df = prev_df.append(new_df)
new_df = new_df.set_index(['UWI', 'FORMATION'])
[docs] def to_csv(self, *args, **kwargs):
Write the log DataFrame to a comma-separated values (csv) file.
Calls pandas.DataFrame.to_csv which includes these parameters.
path_or_buf : str or file handle (default None)
File path or object, if None is provided the result is
returned as a string.
sep : str (default ‘,’)
Field delimiter for the output file.
na_rep : str (default ‘’)
Missing data representation
float_format : str (default None)
Format string for floating point numbers
columns : sequence, optional
Columns to write
header : boolean or list of string (default True)
Write out column names. If a list of string is given it is
assumed to be aliases for the column names
index : boolean (default True)
Write row names (index)
index_label : str or sequence, or False (default None)
Column label for index column(s) if desired. If None is
given, and header and index are True, then the index names
are used. A sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses
MultiIndex. If False do not print fields for index names.
Use index_label = False for easier importing in R
mode : str
Python write mode, default 'w'
encoding : str, optional
A string representing the encoding to use in the output
file, defaults to 'ascii' on Python 2 and 'utf-8' on
Python 3.
compression : str, optional
a string representing the compression to use in the output
file, allowed values are 'gzip', 'bz2', 'xz', only used
when the first argument is a filename
line_terminator : str
The newline character or character sequence to use in the
output file
quoting : constant from csv module, optional
defaults to csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL. If you have set a
float_format then floats are converted to strings and thus
csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC will treat them as non-numeric
quotechar : str with length 1 (default ‘”’)
character used to quote fields
doublequote : boolean (default True)
Control quoting of quotechar inside a field
escapechar : str with length 1 (default None)
character used to escape sep and quotechar when appropriate
chunksize : int (default None)
rows to write at a time
tupleize_cols : boolean (default False)
write multi_index columns as a list of tuples (if True) or
new (expanded format) if False)
date_format : str (default None)
Format string for datetime objects
decimal: str (default ‘.’)
Character recognized as decimal separator. E.g. use ‘,’ for
European data
>>> import petropy as ptr
# Read las file, then write to csv for use in excel
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# define path to save csv
>>> file_name = 'path/to/save/name_of_file.csv'
# save log to csv
>>> log.to_csv(path_or_buf = file_name, index = False)
df = self.df()
df.fillna(value = self.well['NULL'].value, inplace = True)
df.to_csv(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, file_path, version = 2.0, wrap = False,
STRT = None, STOP = None, STEP = None, fmt = '%10.5g'):
Writes to las file, and overwrites if file exisits. Uses parent
class LASFile.write method with specified defaults.
file_path : str
path to new las file.
version : {1.2 or 2} (default 2)
Version for las file
wrap : {True, Flase, None} (default False)
Specify to wrap data. If None, uses setting from when
file was read.
STRT : float (default None)
Optional override to automatic calculation using the first
index curve value.
STOP : float (default None)
Optional override to automatic calculation using the last
index curve value.
STEP : float (default None)
Optional override to automatic calculation using the first
step size in the index curve.
fmt : str (default '%10.5g')
Format string for numerical data being written to data
>>> import petropy as ptr
# reads sample Wolfcamp Log from las file
>>> log = ptr.log_data('WFMP')
# define file path to save log
>>> p = 'path/to/new_file.las'
>>> log.write(p)
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
super(Log, self).write(f, version = version, wrap = wrap,
STEP = None, fmt = fmt)