Wolfcamp Example - Single las fileΒΆ

This example shows the full petrophysical workflow avaiable in PetroPy for a single wolfcamp las file courtesy of University Lands Texas.

The workflow progresses in these 11 steps

  1. Read las file and create a petropy.Log object
  2. Load tops from a csv file using petropy.Log.tops_from_csv()
  3. Create a petropy.LogViewer show in edit_mode to fix data
  4. Define formations for calculations.
  5. Calculate fluid properties by
    1. Loading parameters via petropy.Log.fluid_properties_parameters_from_csv()
    2. Calculating over formations via petropy.Log.formation_fluid_properties()
  6. Calculate mulitmineral properties by
    1. Loading parameters via petropy.Log.multimineral_parameters_from_csv()
    2. Calculating over formations via petropy.Log.formation_multimineral_model()
  7. Curve summations via petropy.Log.summations()
  8. Adding pay flags via petropy.Log.add_pay_flag()
  9. Clustering intervals into Electrofacies via petropy.electrofacies()
  10. Exporting log statistics via petropy.Log.statistics()
  11. Saving LogViewer to png and Log to las

To bulk process a folder of las files at once, use the bulk example .

import petropy as ptr

# import pyplot to add logo to figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

### 1. Read las file

# create a Log object by reading a file path  #

las_file_path = '42303347740000.las'
log = ptr.Log(las_file_path)

### 2. load tops ###

tops_file_path = 'tops.csv'

### 3. graphically edit log ###

# use manual mode for fixing borehole washout #
# and other changes requiring redrawing data  #

# use bulk shift mode to linearly adjust all  #
# curve data                                  #

# close both windows to continue program      #

viewer = ptr.LogViewer(log, top = 6950, height = 100)
viewer.show(edit_mode = True)

# overwrite log variable with updated log     #
# from LogViewer edits                        #

log = viewer.log

### 4. define formations ###

f = ['WFMPA', 'WFMPB', 'WFMPC']

### 5. fluid properties ###

# load fluid properties from a csv file       #
# since path is not specified, load default   #
# csv file included with petropy              #


# calculate fluid properties over defined     #
# formations with parameter WFMP from         #
# previously loaded csv                       #

log.formation_fluid_properties(f, parameter = 'WFMP')

### 6. multimineral model ###

# load multimineral parameters from csv file  #
# since path is not specified, load default   #
# csv file included with petropy              #


# calculate multiminearl model over defined   #
# formations with parameter WFMP from         #
# previously loaded csv                       #

log.formation_multimineral_model(f, parameter = 'WFMP')

### 7. summations ###

# define curves to calculate cumulative values #

c = ['OIP', 'BVH', 'PHIE']

# calculate cumulative values over formations  #

log.summations(f, curves = c)

### 8. pay flags ###

# define pay flogs as list of tuples for      #
# (curve, value)                              #

flag_1_gtoe = [('PHIE', 0.03)]
flag_2_gtoe = [('PAY_FLAG_1', 1), ('BVH', 0.02)]
flag_3_gtoe = [('PAY_FLAG_2', 1)]
flag_3_ltoe = [('SW', 0.2)]

# add pay flags over defined formations       #

log.add_pay_flag(f, greater_than_or_equal = flag_1_gtoe)

log.add_pay_flag(f, greater_than_or_equal = flag_2_gtoe)

log.add_pay_flag(f, greater_than_or_equal = flag_3_gtoe,
                 less_than_or_equal = flag_3_ltoe)

### 9. electrofacies ###

# define curves to use in electofaceis module #

electro_logs = ['GR_N', 'RESDEEP_N', 'NPHI_N', 'RHOB_N', 'PE_N']

# make a list of Log objects as input         #

logs = [log]

# calculate electrofacies for the defined logs#
# over the specified formations               #
# finding 6 clusters of electrofacies         #
# with RESDEEP_N logarithmically scaled       #

logs = ptr.electrofacies(logs, f, electro_logs, 6,
                         log_scale = ['RESDEEP_N'])

# unpack log object from returned list        #

log = logs[0]

### 10. statistics ###

# define list of curves to find statistics    #

stats_curves = ['OIP', 'BVH', 'PHIE', 'SW', 'VCLAY', 'TOC']

# calculate stats over specified formation and#
# save to csv file wfmp_statistics.csv        #
# update the line if the well, formation is   #
# already included in the csv file            #

log.statistics_to_csv('wfmp_statistics.csv', replace = True,
                      formations = f, curves = stats_curves)

### 11. export data ###

# find way to name well, looking for well name#
# or UWI or API                               #

if len(log.well['WELL'].value) > 0:
    well_name = log.well['WELL'].value
elif len(str(log.well['UWI'].value)) > 0:
    well_name = str(log.well['UWI'].value)
elif len(log.well['API'].value) > 0:
    well_name = str(log.well['API'].value)
    well_name = 'UNKNOWN'
well_name = well_name.replace('.', '')

# scale height of viewer to top and bottom    #
# of calculated values                        #

wfmpa_top = log.tops['WFMPA']
wfmpc_base = log.next_formation_depth('WFMPC')

top = wfmpa_top
height = wfmpc_base - wfmpa_top

# create LogViewer with the default full_oil #
# template included in petropy               #

viewer = ptr.LogViewer(log, top = top, height = height,
                       template_defaults = 'full_oil')

# set viewer to 17x11 inches size for use in #
# PowerPoint or printing to larger paper     #

viewer.fig.set_size_inches(17, 11)

# add well_name to title of LogViewer        #

viewer.fig.suptitle(well_name, fontweight = 'bold', fontsize = 30)

# add logo to top left corner                 #

logo_im = plt.imread('company_logo.png')
logo_ax = viewer.fig.add_axes([0, 0.85, 0.2, 0.2])

# add text to top right corner                #

if len(str(log.well['UWI'].value)) > 0:
    label = 'UWI: ' + str(log.well['UWI'].value) + '\n'
elif len(log.well['API'].value) > 0:
    label = 'API: ' + str(log.well['API'].value) + '\n'
    label = ''

label += 'County: Reagan\nCreated By: Todd Heitmann\n'
label += 'Creation Date: October 23, 2017'
viewer.axes[0].annotate(label, xy = (0.99,0.99),
                    xycoords = 'figure fraction',
                    horizontalalignment = 'right',
                    verticalalignment = 'top',
                    fontsize = 14)

# save figure and log                         #

viewer_file_name=r'%s_processed.png' % well_name
las_file_name = r'%s_processed.las' % well_name


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